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PONT Info - Economy
Sector of Medium and Large Companies (SMLC) - 9 or more employees
Scope of the System
Sectors of the economy According to the European Business Activity System (EBACS)
Classification Profiles According to Ownership Sectors
Classification Profiles According to Company Size
Territorial Sections
Time Periods
Indicators Describing the Current Situation in Sectors of the Economy
Principles for Updating Data and the Sources of Information
Possibilities of Using Information
Access to the Information
Price Sheet
Exemplary Information
Sector of Small Comapnies (SSC) - fewer than 9 employees
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PONT Info - HOME Products and services BUSINESS AND SOCIAL INFORMATION PONT Info - Economy Sector of Medium and Large Companies (SMLC) - 9 or more employees Scope of the System Sectors of the economy According to the European Business Activity System (EBACS)
Sectors of the economy According to the European Business Activity System (EBACS)

The principle of division used in the EBACS classification system, which is in force in all of the European market economies, is the type of business activities actually conducted by business entities.

The European Business Activity Classification System (EBACS) has five main levels.

The first level (section) divides the population into categories of types of business activities, grouping actions associated with one another from the traditional point of view, concerning the overall division of labour. These categories are labelled with a one-letter alphabetic code.

The second level (division) divides the general population into categories of types of business activities, grouping actions by those features which are of substantial significance in specifying the degree of similarity, as well as, in considering the links in the national economy (e.g. in the tables of inter-industrial flows). This level is labelled with a two-digit numerical code.

The third level (group) includes those categories of business activities which may be separated concerning the manufacturing process employed, the designation of the output the nature of the service or the consumers of these services. This level is labelled with a three-digit numerical code.

The fourth level (class) includes those categories of business activities which may be separated concerning the manufacturing process or service provision specialisation. This level is labelled with a four-digit numerical code.

The fifth level (sub-class) was introduced in order to single out those types of business activities that are typical in the Polish economy and which are the subjects of statistical observation. This level is labelled with a six-digit numerical code.

In total, 996 classification cross-sections of the national economy have been separated in the PONT Info - Economy systems:

  • 21 sections,
  • 88 divisions,
  • 272 groups,
  • 615 classes.
05-502 Bobrowiec, ul. Mazowiecka 84 A,
Tel.: (48-22)702 00 68
E-mail: pont@pontinfo.com.pl