Sectors of the Economy According to the European Business Activity System (EBACS)
The principle of division used in the EBACS classification
system, which is in force in all of the European market
economies, is the type of business activities actually conducted
by business entities.
The European Business Activity Classification System (EBACS)
has five levels with one additional indirect level for some
The first level (section) divides the population into
categories of types of business activities, grouping actions
associated with one another from the traditional point of view,
concerning the overall division of labour. These categories are
labelled with a one letter alphabetic code.
The indirect level (sub-section) appears only in these
sections which include industrial activities, viz. in Section C:
"Mining and Querying" (2 sub-sections) and in Section D:
"Manufacturing" (14 sub-sections). This level is labelled
with a two-letter alphabetic code.
The second level (division) divides the general population
into categories of types of business activities, grouping actions
by those features which are of substantial significance in
specifying the degree of similarity, as well as in considering
the links in the national economy (e.g. in the tables of
inter-industrial flows). This level is labelled with a two-digit
numerical code.
The third level (group) includes those categories of business
activities which may be separated, concerning the manufacturing
process employed, the designation of the output, the nature of
the service or the consumers of these services. This level is
labelled with a three-digit numerical code.
The fourth level (class) includes those categories of business
activities which may be separated, concerning the manufacturing
process or service provision specialisation. This level is
labelled with a four-digit numerical code.
The fifth level (sub-class) was introduced in order to single
out those types of business activities that are typical in the
Polish economy and which are the subjects of statistical
observation. This level is labelled with a six-digit numerical