PONT Info was founded by a team of
specialists, scientists, and consultants from the Warsaw School
of Economics who began to take an active role in the process of
changes taking place in the Polish economy.
The team has been working together since
1986. Before its official registration as a company, it completed
more than 40 tasks related to the preparation and appraisal of
investment projects, specifically for newly-founded
joint-ventures (e.g. Furnel International Ltd., Polkolor/Telra,
Polsin, Exbud).
PONT Ltd. was originally registered in
January 1990. Consequently, PONT Info Ltd. was transformed into
PONT Corporation Ltd. and finally, in March 1994, into PONT Info
Ltd. These organizational transformations were related to the
increasing degree of specialisation in corporate capabilities and
activities. Our current business name emphasises the word
"Info", which indicates one of our most important
specialities concerning the construction and development of
computer information systems about the economy. This “Info”
is used in analysing and researching a company's standing within
the competitive environment and in developing strategy for
restructuring and growth, analyses of the real estate market, the financial condition of local self-government entities as well as investment attractiveness of regions.
At present PONT Info cooperates with
more than 30 experts in the fields of statistics, economic
information, accounting, finance, banking, management and
marketing, computer science and economic law.
PONT Info's fundamental capabilities lie
in the following areas:
- construction and distribution of complex information about the Polish economy (companies, real estate, self-government units, regions) in the form of computerised database systems,
- development and implementation of management decision computer support systems,
- monitoring of the real estate market,
- monitoring of the business sector,
- monitoring of the financial condition of self-government units,
- monitoring of the investment attractiveness of regions,
- sector analyses,
- analysis of financial and economic condition of companies,
- market analysis and marketing research,
- analysis of management structures and management quality,
- company valuation,
- constructing restructuring and development strategies,
- preparation and performing financial and economic appraisal of restructuring projects for company development,
- informational memorandum for companies.